

I believe that true justice only exists when we achieve racial justice. This cannot be done alone. I work in collective with other diversity, equity, and inclusion experts to support teams and organizations as they progress on their anti-racism journeys.

Approach to change


It takes discomfort and transformation at the individual, interpersonal, and institutional levels to create structural change. We all have our own stories of struggle and how they’ve shaped our identities. By connecting the dots between what we’ve experienced and historical + cultural contexts, we can finally do the unlearning needed to build new systems.

Our approach is based in deep research, continuous development, and collective work. We help teams and leaders cultivate an intersectional analysis when examining both ourselves and our communities. Only by looking inward can we then start building equitable and inclusive teams. This is not a “nice to have” or a side-project. Teams and leaders must integrate a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens into all aspects of decision-making and collaboration.

Work with us


We prioritize partnerships with organizations who want to create lasting change, beyond what’s happening in this media cycle. Your teams and leaders are ready to get uncomfortable and vulnerable. You’re open to a multifaceted approach to learning and growth, even if you haven’t tried it before.

You should partner with us if your team and organization are in this for the long haul.